A Moroccan living in the Cook Islands was the first victim of

Saturday 02, July, 2016 - 06:11 AM

A Moroccan living in the Cook Islands was the first victim of "El Gringo" ACC2016


The force of the Arican breaker claimed as its first victim Eric Games, a Moroccan of French origin who lived in the Cook Islands 9 years ago.

Ex Isla Alacrán, Arica, July 1, 2016

A long day was lived this morning in the Ex Isla Alacrán, at the foot of the Morro de Arica.

With constant tubular waves, 3 meters high on average, the “Arica Chilean Challenge” began today, with the qualifying table for the lowest ranked competitors.

About 60 riders, mostly Chilean, as well as from countries like Tahiti, Portugal, Brazil, Peru, Spain, Hawaii, South Africa and one that drew a lot of attention, from the Cook Islands.

It was his third time in “El Gringo”, however, it was not enough to avoid hitting the rocks hard under the strong waves of Arique.

“Third time I come here, third time I hit myself”, commented Eric Games, the experienced 36-year-old rider, who traveled more than 3 days to be in the capital of the Arica and Parinacota Region.

“It is a very long trip, but I am very happy to be in Chile, and I am also grateful to the family of Kevin Torres (rider from Arica) who welcomed me into their home as one of their family,” Games said after getting out of the water.
Was the blow you suffered this morning very strong?

“If the truth was strong enough, at first I thought that I had broken my knee, but fortunately it was only a concussion. So I had to relax, I stretched well and I followed the competition. Fortunately I made it through.

Can you tell us a bit about the Cook Islands, how is it, how are the waves?

Cook Islands is an archipelago made up of 13 islands, between Hawaii and New Zealand. I live in Avarua, the capital. It is a paradisiacal place, where the waves are spectacular.

Does the wave look anything like “El Gringo”?

“El Gringo” is one of the most dangerous waves I have surfed in the world. It is very difficult to find another with similar characteristics. In the Cook Islands the waves are very good, but the surface is reef and the water temperature is good, much warmer.

Review the classifieds in the attached exel file. 2016 Arica Trials Draft Draw.xls

Video Summary Highlight Day 1:

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